AMD RX Vega 56
Mining performance of AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 hashrate, specs and profitability. Calculate your AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 profitability.

AMD RX Vega 56 specs
The AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 is an ideal candidate for those who want to play on a Full HD or higher definition monitor. Its main competitor is the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070, which it only matches. However, it remains interesting for cryptomining.
base clock: 1156 MHz
boost clock: 1471 MHz
memory clock: 800 MHz
gpu power: 210 W
memory bus: 2048 Bits
max memory size: 8 GB
max memory bandwidth: 409.6 GB/s
The Catalyst (Crimson) 15.12 driver can show better performance and compatibility for mining on AMD.
Any other GPU works better with the latest driver from the official website of AMD.
AMD RX Vega 56 hashrate
The hashrate can vary from one cryptocurrency to another. We present the GPU hashrate per cryptocurrency that can be mined at Cruxpool, our mining pool.
AMD RX Vega 56 overclocking
The hashrate and power consumption depend on different features like overclocking. Here are the best performing mining software according to the cryptocurrencies to be mined at Cruxpool for the AMD RX Vega 56.
The overclocking values for AMD RX Vega 56 are just an example. Overclocking settings may not work the same for all memory types and results may vary depending on the cryptocurrency you are mining.