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How to start mining?

How to start mining? If you are here, it is because you want to start mining. But you are still unfamiliar with the concept of mining and do not fully understand the activity of the miner. Start mining requires preparation, as it...

How to start mining?

How to start mining? If you are here, it is because you want to start mining. But you are still...

Lastest articles

Flux / Matic: the new parallel asset is now available!​

Flux / Matic: the new parallel asset is now available! It’s official, Flux’s 9th...

How to maximize your Crypto profits ? WhatToMine Guide​

How to maximize your Crypto profits ? WhatToMine Guide If you want to know how you can maximize your...

What is a mining pool and how does it work?

What is a mining pool and how does it work? Mining is crucial when it comes to securing Proof of...

VASP: The regulation of cryptocurrencies

VASP: The regulation of cryptocurrencies It is official! Our company Ilium, of which the Cruxpool...

What is the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 hashrate?

What is the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 GPU hashrate? The hashrate is an important data to choose a GPU...

DAG calculator: How to know the DAG size?

DAG calculator: How to know the DAG size? We have already presented the DAG in mining. As a...

What is DAG in mining?

What is DAG in mining? You have probably heard of DAG in mining. DAG (Directed Acyclic Graphs) is a...

What is Ravencoin cryptocurrency? Interview with Tron Black

What is Ravencoin cryptocurrency? Interview with Tron Black Do you know about the Ravencoin...

What is The Ethereum Merge?

What is The Ethereum Merge? The Merge is quickly approaching. After some delays of the Ethereum...