How to mine with Phoenix Miner

Phoenix Mining Software

In this tutorial, you will know how to set up and use the mining software Phoenix Miner to mine cryptocurrencies on Cruxpool.

Table of contents

What is Phoenix Miner

Phoenix Miner is an Ethash GPU mining worker: with this software you can mine every coin which relies on an Ethash Proof of Work thus including Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Metaverse, Musicoin, Ellaism, Pirl, Expanse and others.

Phoenix Miner is a command line program. This means you launch it either from a Windows command prompt or Linux console, or create shortcuts to predefined command lines using a Linux Bash script or Windows batch/cmd file.

This runs under Windows and Linux, and displays 0.65% fees for its developers (one of the lowest rates on the market at the moment). This means that approximately every 90 minutes, the software will mine for about 35 seconds to collect these fees.

Download the software

First, you have to download the software through this link. Make sure you choose the right file for your OS. If you are on Linux, take the file in .tar.gz, if you are on Windows, take the file in .zip.

Set up your mining

Once you made that, you have to choose the correct script file depending on the algorithm you want to use for your mining. Then, Edit the mining file and fill it with your wallet address, worker name and Cruxpool mining URL. You can also use our command line generator and copy and paste the generated command-line. After that, save as a bash file – .sh – if you are on Linux or a batch file – .bat – if you are on Windows.

Command-line generator

You can generate a personalized mining command-line thanks to our command-line generator that is available on our homepage. Click on the button below to access it.